Professor-led Tours
College Credit
Preparation - Experience - Reflection
Immersive Learning
A multifaceted project that serves as a
culminating academic experience
Much more than a group tour.
Preparation - The Course
Every Capstone project is accompanied by a college-level lecture series that has been created specifically to complement the focus of the tour.
This is a college-level deep dive, preparing you for exactly the journey you’re about to take.
The courses are a combination of on-demand video lectures and assignments all geared towards preparing you for your tour
The Capstone Tour
The tour is led by your Capstone professor and a full-time Capstone Tour Manager.
Travel with a group of like-minded students.
Includes air, transfers, hotels, meals, entrances, buses, and immersive learning activities
Reflection and Analysis
Reflect on your experience by completing the Capstone Final Project. This will be a keepsake project, memorializing your life-changing experience.
With Capstone’s College Readiness add-on, our team of educators will review your work, offer feedback, and grade your Final Project. Useful for graded writing requirements for college applications.
Pre-Tour Study Focus
History and cultural studies
Follow along with Capstone’s lesson plans to learn about the people and places that you are about to visit. The lessons are a combination of videos and readings that will guide you through your tour, one destination at a time, giving you the context of why you are going there in the first place.
The Capstone Tour
Small groups of 15-20 travel together
Full-time expert Tour Manager
Full-time dedicated subject matter expert
Guided city tours and excursions
City-center hotels
Authentic cuisine in local restaurants
Hands-on activities
Reflection and Analysis
Synthesis through guided reflection
Reflect on your experience by completing Capstone’s Travel Journal. This will be a keepsake project, memorializing your life-changing experience.
With Capstone’s College Readiness add-on, our team of educators will review your work, offer feedback, and grade your Travel Journal. Useful for college applications.
Demonstration of mastery
Upon completion of your Capstone educational journey, Capstone will provide an International Ambassador Certificate signifying completion of rigorous preparation, on-tour excellence, and post-tour reflection.
Differentiating Educational Content
Capstone provides unique educational content that sets the Capstone particpant apart from other students. Our tours are capstone educational achievements, drawing from multiple disciplines in order to complete.
College Credit Option
Capstone offers students the option to pursue college credits through a combination of pre-tour coursework, performed at your convenience, on-tour immersion and post-tour reflection essays. The entire experience is guided by Capstone and overseen by educators.
Travel Journaling for College Admissions
Students looking to matriculate to collegiate settings are often posed with challenging questions in school interviews and application documents. Capstone provides travel journals to all participants that provide writing prompts that aim to assist in the difficult process of extracting meaning from your travel experience. These experiences become a part of the learner and can be drawn upon later as an answer to an otherwise difficult interview question.
Colleges and universities are also often looking for graded work samples. For an extra fee, Capstone will provide feedback and ultimately grade a submitted Travel Journal.
International Capstone Certificate
All participants will be provided with educational content in preparation for their tour. Subjects like history, art, language, architecture will all be discussed in detail. These studies will be critical to complete prior to the tour to fully understand and appreciate all that the tour has to offer. Post-tour, students are encouraged to submit their travel journals to Capstone. Upon review of the material, Capstone will provide an International Ambassador Certificate signifying completion of rigorous preparation, on-tour excellence and post-tour reflection.
The Global Classroom
92% of students say travel has a lasting impact on their worldview
200% more likely to get a college or graduate degree after traveling
95% of students report that they came home with an improved understanding of their own cultural values
80% thought educational travel sparked greater interest in what they were taught in school
More than half who traveled achieved better grades